Vor kurzer Zeit las ich einen Kommentar der ungefähr auf folgendes hinauslief: Der Autor beklagte die folgende Situation, in der, wie er sie betitelte „armen Führungskräfte„, und der [...]
It’s that time again. I am in a leadership training with and the question pops up: „What tool would you recommend for situation x y ?“ Or a participant puts their hand up and [...]
I stumbled across this interesting impulse on empathy and caring, both topics that have been on my mind a lot recently. Since last year I have focussed on care and what it means to me, balancing [...]
This month’s, and maybe beyond, topic is empathy: What is it? How does it contribute to psychological safety? How do you develop it? etc.. Today I would like to talk more about how to build [...]
Building on my last article on empathy, today’s is an impulse piece on empathy and building a psychologically safe environment. Psychological safety means: ‚a believe that there will [...]
The last few weeks and months have left me, next to feeling slightly lost for words, with an even deeper conviction that empathy is a key skill for humans: in life, in leadership, and in [...]
Ich bin so stolz, den vierten Teil der Artikelreihe mit inspirierenden Menschen zu veröffentlichen! Nach den Interviews mit Susanne, Annika und Kirsten ist es diesmal das Interview mit Karen. Ich [...]
Vor einer ganzen Weile habe ich von Protofy berichtet, wo Moritz Mann, Gründer und Geschäftsführer, und seine Kollegen allen Mitarbeiter:innen monatlich Coaching zur Verfügung stellen. Diesmal [...]
Phew, I made it. The other day I received my certificate in the post for my BSc in Applied Psychology and what felt like a mountain fell off my shoulders. There is no way my younger “if I’m going [...]
The underdog, according to Collins English Dictionary is the party ” in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.” We all love a good underdog story don’t [...]